Making a component tester based on the Adafruit CLUE #CLUE

Unknown Reply 7:50 AM

On the Adafruit Forums, Kevin J Walters posts an electrical component tester:

I started a component tester on the Adafruit CLUE last year but moved onto other things and have only just got back to that project to finish it.

It’s more about showing what can be done with minimal (four) external components and an interpreted language like CircuitPython than making an ultra-precise LCR tester. It’s based on the octopus testers (AKA I/V curve tracers) found on some old oscilloscopes using a similar approach within the confines of the 3.3V voltage range. It can be seen on Adafruit CLUE component tester identifying a panoply of components (YouTube) and here’s two screen grabs showing it doing its thing with a 1k resistor.

See the demo video below and more in the forum post here

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