Going Purple with an Amilyn Holdo Costume

Unknown Reply 7:45 AM

AmazonMandy is a cosplayer who makes her own costumes and takes commissions from others. She’s made costumes with armor, but she seems especially skilled at sewing. Photos of her cosplay show off intricate designs and layers of fabric, bodysuits, and gowns. I don’t know if it’s more difficult to make one piece spandex or lycra suits or complex dresses, but I’m sure each comes with its own challenges. One of her recent costumes completed in time for last weekend’s KatsuCon is Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.

The character from Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a leader of the Resistance, but she doesn’t wear typical military gear; she dons a lavender gown. The fabric looks sleek and drapes elegantly, plus she has silver accessories on her wrists and in her lavender hair. AmazonMandy took a pink wig and dyed it to get the exact right shade of lavender (pictured below). She made the dress, accessories, and Holdo’s gun by hand, too.

Check out more creations and works in progress by AmazonMandy on Facebook and at her website.

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