Make Mad Eye Moody’s Moving Eye from Harry Potter

Unknown Reply 2:07 PM

Mad Eye Moody always knows what’s happening in Harry Potter. Always. His magical moving eye helps him. You can make your very own, and though it won’t actually let you see everything occuring around you, it looks the part. Instructables user Boldevin used a 3D printed eye (the file’s from Thingiverse), paint, a servo motor, and an Arduino to make the eye come to life–so to speak.

He explains the electronics along with a diagram:

Solder the wires for the Servo motor to the arduino as shown in the picture and upload the code to the arduino. The code will wait for 2-12 seconds and move the servo to a position 70-90 degrees.

The 3D printed surfaces will have very high friction and don’t glide easily. So you might need to put tape on the inside of the base to let the eye glide.

Read more at Instructables.

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