Julia Daviy’s Biodegradable #3DPrinted Clothing #WearableWednesday

Unknown Reply 8:53 AM


From Eluxe Magazine:

Daviy’s biggest driver is the desire to improve the environmental and social impacts of fashion design and clothing production, especially given that this is normally such a wasteful process, and the drive for profit makes it even worse: “Half of the textiles used in manufacturing turn into waste right at the very beginning of the manufacturing process,” Daviy explains, “and the fast-fashion industry uses cheap methods of production that often involve slavery.” She believes that by embracing 3D printing technology for fashion design, many of these problems can be curbed by putting the power to make clothes directly into the hands of the consumer.

It’s easier than you think: “All I need today to manufacture one of my designs is to create a model in 3D printing software and print it out using flexible, biodegradable PLA filament. That means that rather than going to the store and buying a piece of clothing manufactured overseas, all a consumer would need to do is buy a premade design file and print it out at home.” Daviy says this model of production would also allow consumers to create their own custom modifications, allowing them to alter existing designs in order to better express their personalities through their clothing on a level that simply isn’t practical with mass-manufactured clothing.

Read more and see more from Julia Daviy

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