Media Artist Filipe Vilas-Boas Explores Idea of #Robots and Disobedience

Unknown Reply 6:03 AM

The Punishment is an art/media project by Filipe Vilas-Boas in which a robot executes a preventive punishment for its possible future disobedience. It is a reference to Isaac Asimov’s laws of robotics.

He states on his website:

Technologies are now merging at high speed, notably robotics and artificial intelligence. It raises a lot of questions about the man-machine relation. Tainted with dark humor, this dystopian anthropomorphization underlines the fears that robotics engenders. How automated do we want our world, our body to be? What physical, moral and legal framework should we use? What consequences for human life? Which post-work society should we build? Hasn’t time come to reinvent school? At the turn of the century, questions related to automation are popping up in everyone’s mind. We will have to answers them collectively, if possible.

Robot Punishment

This piece has been exhibited at:

2018 – Singularity Now, Athens Digital Art Festival, Athens, Greece
2018 – Nothing but flowers, Łódź Design Festival, Łódź, Poland
2018 – Robot : assistant aujourd’hui, boss demain ?, Mais Social Club, Paris, France
2018 – Printemps des Poètes, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
2018 – Cobotique, Futur.e.s, Paris , France
2018 – Humain Demain, Quais des Savoirs, Toulouse, France
2018 – Τhe 8th Day | Human created Machine, Athens, Greece
2017 – Futur en Seine Festival, Paris, France

Programming help: [ v2.1 ] Filip Bielicki, Bertrand Manuel, Marc Olasek. [ v2.0 ] Bertrand Manuel, Marc Olasek. [ v1 ] Pierre Brochot, Paul Coudamy, Damien Debu Lestrat.

Does this bring back memories of Asimov’s Laws of Robotics? Post in the comments.

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