Adafruit library usage on Raspberry Pi @raspberry_pi @adafruit #circuitpython #raspberrypi #circuitpython

Unknown Reply 12:52 PM


Thanks to some database query’in by Raspberry Pi Community Manager Ben Nuttall, we’ve got some nifty stats to share about Adafruit library usage on Raspberry Pi! Piwheels is the Raspberry Pi ‘PyPi Mirror’ and is the site most Pi users grab files from when they run ‘pip’.


This graph shows month-over-month (not cumulative) growth of some of the core Adafruit python support libraries. Not too surprising, lots of people are using them now that we’ve got 125+ CircuitPython drivers and libraries that can now be used on Raspberry Pi.

Starting in May 2018, the big increase is from when we went thru all our guides to test and add Pi wiring/usage info, while deprecating our old “pure python” drivers. You can also see a dip in Adafruit-GPIO downloads in December, which is when we moved Blinka to using Adafruit-PlatformDetect for determining which Raspi we’re running on and removed the dependancy.

We expect to see more and more Raspberry Pi / Linux users taking advantage of our huge collection of CircuitPython library in 2019! Stay tuned for more stats throughout the year.

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