CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi: UPDATED GUIDES for AM2315, CAP1188, DotStar LEDs, MPRLS, and Thermal Printers #Python #RaspberryPi @adafruit

Unknown Reply 1:39 PM


The fun continues: it’s CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! Wire up your favorite sensors and use the same great CircuitPython code you’ve been using with microcontrollers right on your Raspberry Pi!

We’ve got tons of projects, libraries and example code for CircuitPython on microcontrollers, and thanks to the flexibility and power of Python, it’s easy to get it working with microcomputers like Raspberry Pi or other ‘Linux with GPIO pins available’ single board computers.

We’ve written a special library called Adafruit Blinka to provide the layer that translates the CircuitPython hardware API to whatever library the Linux board provides.

We’ve added all the libraries to PyPi so installation is super simple via pip. We’ve also updated the CircuitPython guides! They now have sections for wiring up the sensor to and installing the libraries on your Raspberry Pi. The CircuitPython code works exactly the same way it works on microcontrollers, so the code examples will work on your Raspberry Pi too!

We have over 140 guides to update, so watch for updates to the Adafruit Learning System in batches. Here are the next five:

AM2315 – Encased I2C Temperature/Humidity Sensor – this sensor contains a thermistor temperature sensor and a capacitive humidity sensor. A small microcontroller inside does the readings and provides a simple I2C interface for reading the finished & calibrated output data. Updated Guide

AM2315 - Encased I2C Temperature/Humidity Sensor

CAP1188 – 8-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout – I2C or SPI – Add lots of touch sensors to your next microcontroller project with this easy-to-use 8-channel capacitive touch sensor breakout board, starring the CAP1188. This chip can handle up to 8 individual touch pads, and has a very nice feature that makes it stand out. Updated Guide

CAP1188 - 8-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - I2C or SPI

DotStar LEDs – The fast clockable RGB LEDs. Updated Guide

NeoPixel Nano 2427 RGB LEDs w/ Integrated Driver Chip - 10 Pack

Adafruit MPRLS Ported Pressure Sensor Breakout – 0 to 25 PSI – this pressure sensor is special because it comes with a metal port! Unlike other pressure sensors, you can easily attach a tube to it, to measure air pressure inside a close space. Updated Guide

Adafruit MPRLS Ported Pressure Sensor Breakout - 0 to 25 PSI

Thermal Printers – thermal printers are also known as receipt printers, they’re what you get when you go to the ATM or grocery store. Now you can embed a little printer of your own into an enclosure. Updated Guide

Mini Thermal Receipt Printer

Check out these updated guides today in the Adafruit Learning System.

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