AR is Holiday Marketing Gold #IOS #android #AR

Unknown Reply 7:43 AM

There is one particular reason why would probably see more augmented reality  app around the holiday seasons. Brands competing for the ultimate customer experience and AR offers a powerful marketing tool – the one that beats many others in this respect.

Augmented reality is a major asset for companies looking to engage their audiences in a completely new way. As an emerging technology, AR still has this capacity to make a wow-effect for a brand as an innovative move. That’s why every announcement of a brand launching into AR resonates so much with the community and earns that brand much media coverage.

Just last year, Oreo partnered with Google to release its own augmented reality treasure hunt. Available for free, this app is unlikely to contribute anything to these multi-million brands but a spiekin publicity and recognition. As a form of brand loyalty generation, AR marketing campaigns are likely to become quite popular as they keep proving their effectiveness.

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