Today is Programmer Day! #ProgrammerDay @ProgrammerDay
Programmer Day is a day to celebrate Programmers and thank them for all that they do! Via Questers
Today we are celebrating the hard work and passionate devotion of millions of programmers around the world and we would like to wish them clean and bug-free code and hope the compiler force will be with them!
Why September 13th?
The Programmer’s day is celebrated on the 0x100, 2^8 or 256th day of the year – September 13 on a regular year and September 12 on a leap one. The number 256 relates to the 8-bit byte – a very important unit to the programmers. It represents the maximum number of distinct values in one byte, including the zero. 256 is also the highest power of 2, that is less than the overall days in the year.How to celebrate the Day of the Programmer?
You may find various ways of celebrating that day over the internet, but here are some that caught our attention:Decorate a tree with ones and zeroes to make it binary;
Organise a themed binary party;
Write a wish in ASCII code;
Hold a contest for the best programming joke;
See more and learn more on Wikipedia!
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