Video Games Are Worth Archiving

Unknown Reply 4:50 AM

Video games are often thought of as something to just past the time. However, they contribute to popular culture, reflect the technology of the times, and sometimes hold a special place in our hearts. The video games you’ve played are important and worth remembering.

The Verge

…games deserve critical historical consideration, the kind that other, older mediums get. Frank Cifaldi and Kelsey Lewin, co-directors of the Video Game History Foundation, are two of the people leading that charge. I spoke with them a little while ago about preserving video game history, and their new program, the Video Game Source Project, which takes as its footing the idea that there’s no better way to study a video game than to access its raw material.

There’s only so much you can learn from studying the final product, they say — because studying the final iteration of a creative project leaves out the hows and whys that brought it to life in the first place.

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