Bruno, while isolated for covid, built an intercom to stay in touch with his family:
The basic concept is a simplified interface for a Telegram voice chat with only a few (big) buttons: it should allow to easily and intuitively send and receive voice messages. Of course having a raspberry-pi as the core of this device was a no-brainer, since It has everything that’s needed for the project: WiFi connectivity, low level interface to control leds and buttons, and of course a complete OS where to run a Python interpreter to control everything.
I gave the box as a present to my daughter to be opened on Christmas eve without telling her what the purpose of all those parts were. The next morning we spent a couple of hours putting it all together, so she discovered the purpose of the device, its final shape and got a glimpse of the internal functionality during the process.
When it was done my kid liked it way more than I could ever expect. What I conceived as an utilitary tool to keep us connected when I wasn’t close soon became a part of a game of exchanging messages about every little action in the everyday routine, even when we are just a few meters away 😅.
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