Cosplayer Spends 1.5 Years on a Demonic Brigitte Costume

Unknown Reply 2:50 PM

What would you get if you crossed Brigitte from the game Overwatch with a demon from Diablo? Cosplayer Kamui wanted to find out (after some concept art commissioned from Zach Fischer). After “16 months of work, over 1000 LEDs, and a buttload of foam,” Demonic Brigitte was born.

In this video, she explains the entire project, what her challenges were, and then she shows off the costume.

Kamui shares a great tip. When doing a long and complicated build, don’t be tempted to build the part that you’re most excited about first. Save it for the end. That way, it’ll power you through the parts that are less exciting.

She documented the entire build process in a series of other videos which can be found on her channel.

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