Baking with machine learning #MachineLearning #ML #Cooking @SRobTweets
Covid, baking, you’ve heard this before. But machine learning for baking, that’s new! Sara Robinson goes into detail:
Like many people, I’ve been entertaining myself at home by baking a ton and talking about my sourdough starter as if it were a real person. I’m pretty good at following recipes, but I decided I wanted to take things one step further and understand the science behind what differentiates a cake from a bread or a cookie. I also like machine learning so I thought: what if I could combine it with baking??!
The use case is the difference between breads, cakes, and cookies. Each has defined sugar, fat, and flour ratios that make up different baked goods. With the data, Sara can determine if an ingredients list is one of those three items.
But what about breaking the baking pan, so to speak – like baking a cookie/cake hybrid (a cakie)??
The whole point of my experiment was to see if I could understand ingredient ratios enough to start inventing my own recipes. I played around with my model and found a combination of ingredients that caused it to predict 50% chance of cake, 50% chance of cookie. I wondered…what would happen if I actually made it? So I did.
See the video below and read more in the article here.
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