Made in NYC 2/17/2021 Featuring #Adafruit Motor, RGB Matrix and Animated Eyes Bonnets

Unknown Reply 6:50 AM

Made in NYC 2/17/2021 Featuring Motor, RGB Matrix and Animated Eyes Bonnets

Panels of Motor Bonnets waiting for their turn in the Selective Soldering machine (0:05)

Selective soldering RGB Matrix Bonnets (0:18)

Stenciling solder paste (0:53)

Latching Relay FeatherWings heading into the reflow oven (1:00)

AirLife FeatherWing Boards exiting reflow oven (1:19)

Snake Eyes Bonnets piling up (1:23)

Machine line shutdown (1:38)

Sunset over NJ (1:54)

See more Made in NYC!

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