10 Tools That Shaped Music History #MusicMonday
Like Raspberry Pis, the phonetic alphabet, and meditation, musical instruments are tools. Instruments have been driving the evolution for thousands of years. It was as true of the pianoforte as it was of the Roland TR-808. What are the 10 most transformative music products of the electric era? Here’s a list from Bobby Owskinski:
Speaking of sounding like other instruments, how about just being able to easily manipulate a recording of one, or anything else for that matter. In 1979 Australian company Fairlight came out with the CMI and it took the music industry by storm. You can’t find a hit song from the 80’s that didn’t have some sort of sample in it. Today we take it for granted, but back then the sampling process was pretty involved, which makes the sampler’s influence on music history even more amazing.
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