Build a Mute/Unmute Button for your Video Calls with a Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Unknown Reply 5:50 AM

Miguel Grinberg made this mute/unmute button for all of us who still can’t remember to mute ourselves during video chats and meetings.

via Twilio

I always have trouble remembering what is the Zoom keyboard shortcut to mute or unmute my audio, so I end up grabbing the mouse and clicking the button instead. While there isn’t really a problem with clicking, it feels inefficient, and that awkward silence while every other call participant is waiting for me to unmute and start speaking appears to last an eternity.

I thought it would be interesting to use my Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board and MicroPython to design a single-key keyboard with the only function to toggle the audio on my video calls. That way, there is no key combination to remember!

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