June is Pride Month #Pride2021

Unknown Reply 10:50 PM

Adafruit pride 2020 blog

With a pretty steady vax rollout in the US, Pride will look very different from last year. Remember to stay safe and checkout virtual options if you are more comfortable with that.

During the month of June the Adafruit Blog will be sharing blog posts that celebrate LGBTQ figures and stories.

The NYC Pride theme for 2021 is “The Fight Continues”

NYC Pride announces the official theme for 2021, “The Fight Continues,” as the kick-off to this year’s events and programming. In a time of tremendous adversity for the community on many fronts, “The Fight Continues” reflects the multitude of battles we’ve been fighting as a country and as a city. With the coronavirus pandemic still ongoing, issues of police brutality, the alarming murder rate for trans POC, economic hardship, climate disasters, violent efforts to disenfranchise voters, our rights as a community being questioned at the level of the Supreme Court, and more, we are in the midst of many different fights.

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Check back here for some great blog posts and check out your local Pride organization to get involved.

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