Music For Microcontrollers digitally remastered #ElectronicMusic #Microcontrollers

Unknown Reply 6:50 AM

Linus Ã…kesson’s Music For Microcontrollers from 2007–2010 has been resynthesized in high fidelity.

Enjoy crisp alias-free renditions of these songs on your favourite streaming music platform, or grab the mp3 files!

Through the years, I’ve composed a number of tunes for microcontrollers—those tiny computers that run the world embedded inside elevators and washing machines. Some of the songs are demo soundtracks (CraftPhasor, and Turbulence), and some are standalone tunes (Hardware Chiptune Project and Power Ninja Action Challenge).

So I dug up the old source code for each project and ported it to run on a desktop computer, keeping the playroutine and song data intact but increasing the sample rate and bit depth. Then I replaced the oscillators with band-limited versions that need more CPU power but produce clean alias-free 8-bit waveforms.

Find out more on Linus’ site here.

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