The Science Illustrations of Morgan N. Marshall #ArtTuesday

Unknown Reply 1:50 AM

Clarity, specificity, and accuracy are the heart of medical illustration. For Morgan N. Marshall, science and art meet in his work on anatomical, anatomical, and cellular illustrations. Here’s more from Art the Science:

The art came first, but the science closely followed. I had always had a love and interest in drawing and painting at a young age, but I grew up with a nurse for a mother who always actively shared with me her love for the medical field. I maintained a simultaneous interest in both art and science throughout college. I majored in biology while minoring in chemistry and studio art….. I focus mainly on medical anatomy and procedures. A lot of my work homes in on surgical practice and human anatomy. I mainly cater to e-learning and helping a wide breadth of audiences and users learn complex scientific topics.

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Screenshot 4 2 14 11 48 AMEvery Tuesday is Art Tuesday here at Adafruit! Today we celebrate artists and makers from around the world who are designing innovative and creative works using technology, science, electronics and more. You can start your own career as an artist today with Adafruit’s conductive paints, art-related electronics kits, LEDs, wearables, 3D printers and more! Make your most imaginative designs come to life with our helpful tutorials from the Adafruit Learning System. And don’t forget to check in every Art Tuesday for more artistic inspiration here on the Adafruit Blog!

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