Building a synthesizer using C++ and WebAssembly

Unknown Reply 7:50 AM

Tim’s website details building a synthesizer using C++ and WebAssembly.

Ever since I started taking piano lessons two years ago, I was curious to take a look into a vastly different field from cryptocurrencies and blockchain. That field being digital audio engineering. So when some of my freelance projects ended in November 2019, I decided to allocate my next three months towards building an audio product.

I quickly discovered what I wanted to build: A synthesizer. In C++! I had just watched some talks on WebAssembly, and was very curious to learn a new language too! In hindsight, the personal challenge, however, was to understand the data structures and math that go into generating audio.

See the video above and read the entire post here.

A demo which works in Google Chrome only is here.

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