OLED-Clicker: an electronic counter

Unknown Reply 10:50 AM

This creation is designed to both be a fidget item while also being able to serve a purpose. It is an electronic counter and a fidget clicker utilizing mechanical keyboard switches. The OLED used is 1.3in across, larger than the typical horizontal OLEDs. The processor is an ATMEGA32U4, using an Arduino Leonardo framework. The code was developed in visual studio using Arduino libraries. It is powered by an 18650 that is charged via a USB C connector. The 5V rail is connected to a TP4056 to handle the charging. The 32U4 is also connected to the USB C for programming.

A sleep mode is enabled after 1 minute of inactivity, during this mode, the clicker only draws 0.4mA, almost a year standby using a 3000mAh 18650!

See GitHub for more details and design and programming files.



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