Man Harvests Methane for to Fuel DIY Swamp Gas Bicycle
If you think you’re ready to be a proper sidekick to Furiosa on the Fury Road in some post-apoalyptic waterless wasteland, you may well be, but you’ve got some competition. Engineering student Gijs Schalkx has made whathe’s calling his Sloot Motor, a motorbike that runs on methane he harvests from roadside bogs. He alwo spots a truly excellent duster. Here’s more from MOTHERBOARD:
The Sloot Motor uses a converted Honda GX160 motorcycle engine Schalkx converted himself. According to his website, Schalkx drilled a hole into the airbox of the engine where it receives the methane. Then he hooks a balloon (he uses a condom in a demonstration) to the hole which fuels the engine. The engine still starts with gas, but once it’s going it can use the collected methane to keep going. He got the idea while reading about a fisherman who used methane collected while out fishing to fry eggs, according to his website.
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